Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Negative effects of cell phones

Some negative effects of cell phone use is that you get addicted, it has caused some car crashes and taken some lives, its a big reason for sleep loss, it gets pretty expensive.
Excessive cell phone usage can lead to addiction, especially in teens, as well as time wasted on compulsive communication with peers like text messages and phone calls. I know from my on experience that once I get 0n the phone I have a really hard time getting off. I always have to check my phone or I will not be able to focus.
Talking or sending text messages on a cell phone while driving is proven to be as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol. I have almost had wrecks from testing and driving. Using the phone while driving is dangerous it makes you lose focus. There was a boy that was driving and on the phone and he dropped his phone and tried to pick it up while driving and wrecked into a tree.
A study by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine found that excessive use of cell phones causes teens and young adults to experience restlessness, difficulty falling and staying asleep, and increased susceptibility to stress. I text every day and I do not go to sleep until about 12 o'clock just because of testing. The next day at school I am tired and I do not concentrate on my school work. It brings my grades down and it makes me stressed.

By: Parker Williams

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