Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How we can change the negative effects of TV

Have you ever heard the expression "No I can't!"?


We can change negative effects on television by the following examples!

First, we can change this by not watching TV as much! By saying this I mean instead of watching TV when it's bright and shiney outside, go for a walk! Or better yet, call up some of your friends and go to the beach. Just don't be a fatty and sit on your couch at home watching Americas Next Top Model, go outside and ENJOY THE WEATHER!

Secondly, to avoid negative aspects on television, you can try to stay away from the inappropriate shows that are on television. By doing this you will be able to keep a clean mind about all that is going on, and you can also be avoiding one major defect to television.

My last point on avoiding the negative effects on TV is this, don't be stupid with it. If you know that something you are doing with the TV is effecting you or someone else negatively, then don't do it. In other words: be smart. Life will be so much easier if you will be smart and stay away from things you know aren't right.

Staying away from negativity is a great factor to who you are and who you will be in the future. Do you think that doctors and lawyers sit around their houses all day watching television? I'm pretty sure that they don't, whether what they are watching is legitimat or trash, they have better things to do, and I'm positive you do to.

-Sarah Catherine Davis :)

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