Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Negative Effects in Television

Television: By Sarah Catherine Davis

Why is television a negative affect to the WORLD??????

It is normal for almost all people in the world to want to watch TV when they get bored at their house. One thing I like about TV is that it's like going into another world, and you can get out of any problems that are occuring in your life. Television effects the world in both a negative and a positive way. Although being positive is always good, I am going to tell you the negatives to television.

Television today shows so many explicit scenes to the eyes of people all around the world. In some TV shows, sex, teenage drinking, bullying, and drugs are promoted. In my opinion, much of TV is effecting our nation in a negative way. This is because on TV, all the characters are these beautiful people that don't actually look that way in person. However, when little children see those people, they assume that looking beautiful is all that matters, when actually it is not all that matters at all.

And if all those negative effects aren't enough, " Health providers and teachers across the country are reporting faltering academic abilities, attention problems and language difficulties with both reading comprehension and oral expression. Research suggests a strong link between many of the growing problems and excessive use of television," says Dr. Ellen Abell, a family and child development specialist with the Alabama Cooperative Extension System.

People also are starting to believe that TV is an explanation for attention deficit disorder and behavior problems. This means that children who watch TV tend to not pay as much attention in school as the children who do not watch as much television.


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