Monday, March 29, 2010

Negative Affects in Video Games-Kaitlyn Style


Why are Videogames considered a bad thing?

Have you SEEN what goes on in them?

VIOLENCE:Violence in video games is graphic. VERY graphic. They don't block things out by censor bars, they let it show. Blood, gore, it's like video games are just encouraging, or teaching kids to become violent and just go out and shoot people that you don't like. Different types of guns, bombs, deadly gases and poisons. Numerous studies even show that video games, especially ones with violent content, make teens more aggresive. Most of the aggretion comes from the time that teenagers are allowed to play the games, in one study by Walsh (2000), a majority of teens admitted that their parents not set a time limit for playing video games. The same study showed that many parents are unaware of the content or Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB)
In another study conducted by Gentile, Lynch, Lider & Walsh (2004 p.6), teenage girls palyed video games on average 5 hours a week, and teenager boys averaged 13 hours a week." The authors also said that teenagers who play violent video games for extended hours or periods of time
-tend to be more aggressive
-are more prone to confrontation with their teachers.
-may engage in fights with their peers.
-see a decline in school achievement

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