Thursday, April 1, 2010

Free write- music.


Go to in a different tab.

Do you know that favorite song you love to listen to?

Even though you know it isn't a good song to listen to?

You try to use the excuse, I just like the beat, or I just like the guitar solo.

Bull honkey.

Go to and enter your favorite song, and look up lyrics.

Read them. Read them all. Don't sharpie over the bad parts, and the cuss words. Keep reading.

Would you like to hear your parents say this?

Or even the little kids that you love, and the ones that you look up to?

Many songs degrade women as prostitues, or just a "quick fix". They talk about doing drugs in detail. And getting wasted to the point you can't remember what you did the night before. Does it include Gods name? And I don't mean Gods name with a cuss word behind it.

Who would you want to hear you talk like that?

Your parents?

Your grandparents?

Distant relatives?

Your kids when you have kids?

Or would you want to make an excuse, or hide it?

If you want to make an excuse, or hide it, then why are you listening to it?


Some Music can be Positive



This video is watching by millions of people every single day. And if you watched the video, you would understand how much negativity the video promotes. It promotes immodest dressing, provocative behaviors, murder, homosexuality and many other things. Whereas other videos such as "Where is the Love?" by the Black Eyed Peas promote peace, love and protests against other behaivors. THESE ARE THE TYPES OF MEDIA THAT ARE OVERLOOKED. This is just proven fact that positive medias aren't as popular. Think about it: Do you actually listen to the words of a song before singing it? Some people do and in my opinion, they wouldn't be as common to listen to a particular radio station or band.

For instance, the band Lifehouse actually sings Christian lyrics and positive messages. But what genre do they classify themselves? Rock. Mostly because they wanna make money and rock bands make more money than Christian bands.

On our page we have embeded the Black Eyed Peas video, you should check it out. The music is of just as great quality, huh? And the message is a lot greater. It just goes to show that we have to be careful to what we allow ourselves to be influenced by.


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How we can change the negative effects of TV

Have you ever heard the expression "No I can't!"?


We can change negative effects on television by the following examples!

First, we can change this by not watching TV as much! By saying this I mean instead of watching TV when it's bright and shiney outside, go for a walk! Or better yet, call up some of your friends and go to the beach. Just don't be a fatty and sit on your couch at home watching Americas Next Top Model, go outside and ENJOY THE WEATHER!

Secondly, to avoid negative aspects on television, you can try to stay away from the inappropriate shows that are on television. By doing this you will be able to keep a clean mind about all that is going on, and you can also be avoiding one major defect to television.

My last point on avoiding the negative effects on TV is this, don't be stupid with it. If you know that something you are doing with the TV is effecting you or someone else negatively, then don't do it. In other words: be smart. Life will be so much easier if you will be smart and stay away from things you know aren't right.

Staying away from negativity is a great factor to who you are and who you will be in the future. Do you think that doctors and lawyers sit around their houses all day watching television? I'm pretty sure that they don't, whether what they are watching is legitimat or trash, they have better things to do, and I'm positive you do to.

-Sarah Catherine Davis :)

Negative Affects in Video Games- Pornography


It's not made up.

And it's not afraid to show EVERYTHING.

Pornography is introduced into video games mainly for the male sex. They tend to end up playing video games over twice as much as girls do, and what is a better addiction to video games and micropixel girls wearing little, to nothing?
In recent interviews Ron Jeremy stated "We don't want kids to watch porn. Though if they do, he added, there are far worse influences out there - like video games."
There are many games out there, even games just like "babe raider" from the hit Disney television show, Life With Derek. Where Casey found Dereks' new video game highly offensive to the females, with bulging breasts and butt. But these graphic images only led Derek to play more.
There are even websites now that focus on this "accidental" porn in video games. They freeze the time that the indecent exposure is shown, and broadcast it for everybody to see, and encourages them to buy the video games, that there is more to show.
Even if you don't know it, porn is shown in many video games. And inumerable teens get ahold of them, and play without their parents acknowledgement. Teens as young as twelve, maybe even ten can get the videogames and play without parents knowing what is going on on the screen.
The truth about it is that it is disgusting, and wrong. I don't care if it is pixel people, the creators need to respect people more than that, and respect a teenager, or a videogamers mind. Trash like that doesn't belong, and it only makes thing worse. There are good videogames without pornography and excessive violence, even though many teenagers will highly disagree with you.

- Kaitlyn W.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Negative effects of cell phones

Some negative effects of cell phone use is that you get addicted, it has caused some car crashes and taken some lives, its a big reason for sleep loss, it gets pretty expensive.
Excessive cell phone usage can lead to addiction, especially in teens, as well as time wasted on compulsive communication with peers like text messages and phone calls. I know from my on experience that once I get 0n the phone I have a really hard time getting off. I always have to check my phone or I will not be able to focus.
Talking or sending text messages on a cell phone while driving is proven to be as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol. I have almost had wrecks from testing and driving. Using the phone while driving is dangerous it makes you lose focus. There was a boy that was driving and on the phone and he dropped his phone and tried to pick it up while driving and wrecked into a tree.
A study by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine found that excessive use of cell phones causes teens and young adults to experience restlessness, difficulty falling and staying asleep, and increased susceptibility to stress. I text every day and I do not go to sleep until about 12 o'clock just because of testing. The next day at school I am tired and I do not concentrate on my school work. It brings my grades down and it makes me stressed.

By: Parker Williams

Negative Effects in Television

Television: By Sarah Catherine Davis

Why is television a negative affect to the WORLD??????

It is normal for almost all people in the world to want to watch TV when they get bored at their house. One thing I like about TV is that it's like going into another world, and you can get out of any problems that are occuring in your life. Television effects the world in both a negative and a positive way. Although being positive is always good, I am going to tell you the negatives to television.

Television today shows so many explicit scenes to the eyes of people all around the world. In some TV shows, sex, teenage drinking, bullying, and drugs are promoted. In my opinion, much of TV is effecting our nation in a negative way. This is because on TV, all the characters are these beautiful people that don't actually look that way in person. However, when little children see those people, they assume that looking beautiful is all that matters, when actually it is not all that matters at all.

And if all those negative effects aren't enough, " Health providers and teachers across the country are reporting faltering academic abilities, attention problems and language difficulties with both reading comprehension and oral expression. Research suggests a strong link between many of the growing problems and excessive use of television," says Dr. Ellen Abell, a family and child development specialist with the Alabama Cooperative Extension System.

People also are starting to believe that TV is an explanation for attention deficit disorder and behavior problems. This means that children who watch TV tend to not pay as much attention in school as the children who do not watch as much television.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Music in the Media


Recent studies have shown that in many areas as the number of hip-hop clubs and population of people involved in gangs increases, so do violent crimes such as murders, rapes, domestic violence and other hate crimes. However, that is only involving hip-hop and rap music. Other studies have shown clear relations between negative behaivors and rock music.

For example, "In a town called Jefferson-Township, (New Jersey), a youth named Thomas Sullivan stabbed his mother, Betty-Ann, to death in the basement of their house. Setting fire to the divan with the aim of destroying the house and killing his father and younger brother, he ran outside and committed suicide by slashing his wrists. All week long before this carnage, Thomas had been humming a rock song about blood and killing your mother. Police later established that Thomas was a talented student, outstanding sportsman and had belonged to the Scouts. He began to dabble in "hard metal" rock music and, before committing his crime, he confided to his friends that Satan appeared to him and ordered the killing of his family. (

I believe that this is an apparent connection. However, not all music is bad. Many songs also contain hidden messages involving God, love, and friendship. Because of this distinct difference, we should monitor what we listen to in order to reduce the number of crimes who's causes can be related to negative music.
