Thursday, April 1, 2010

Free write- music.


Go to in a different tab.

Do you know that favorite song you love to listen to?

Even though you know it isn't a good song to listen to?

You try to use the excuse, I just like the beat, or I just like the guitar solo.

Bull honkey.

Go to and enter your favorite song, and look up lyrics.

Read them. Read them all. Don't sharpie over the bad parts, and the cuss words. Keep reading.

Would you like to hear your parents say this?

Or even the little kids that you love, and the ones that you look up to?

Many songs degrade women as prostitues, or just a "quick fix". They talk about doing drugs in detail. And getting wasted to the point you can't remember what you did the night before. Does it include Gods name? And I don't mean Gods name with a cuss word behind it.

Who would you want to hear you talk like that?

Your parents?

Your grandparents?

Distant relatives?

Your kids when you have kids?

Or would you want to make an excuse, or hide it?

If you want to make an excuse, or hide it, then why are you listening to it?


Some Music can be Positive



This video is watching by millions of people every single day. And if you watched the video, you would understand how much negativity the video promotes. It promotes immodest dressing, provocative behaviors, murder, homosexuality and many other things. Whereas other videos such as "Where is the Love?" by the Black Eyed Peas promote peace, love and protests against other behaivors. THESE ARE THE TYPES OF MEDIA THAT ARE OVERLOOKED. This is just proven fact that positive medias aren't as popular. Think about it: Do you actually listen to the words of a song before singing it? Some people do and in my opinion, they wouldn't be as common to listen to a particular radio station or band.

For instance, the band Lifehouse actually sings Christian lyrics and positive messages. But what genre do they classify themselves? Rock. Mostly because they wanna make money and rock bands make more money than Christian bands.

On our page we have embeded the Black Eyed Peas video, you should check it out. The music is of just as great quality, huh? And the message is a lot greater. It just goes to show that we have to be careful to what we allow ourselves to be influenced by.
